Kamal Nath on Monday took oath as the 18th Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, at the Jamboree Maidan in Bhopal, in the presence of UPA leaders and Rahul Gandhi. The ceremony was preceded by an all-religion prayer meeting.
Kamal Nath was ex-minister of Urban Development. He is one of the longest-serving and senior most members of Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliament).
Nath represents the Chhindwara constituency of Madhya Pradesh. Interestingly, nine times, he has been elected from this constituency.
In May 2018, to lead the party in the upcoming assembly election, he was elected as the president of Madhya Pradesh Congress Committee. In 1980, he was first elected to the 7th Lok Sabha. In 1985, he was re-elected to the 8th Lok Sabha, in 1989 to the 9th Lok Sabha and in 1991 to the 10th Lok Sabha.