Jharkhand Chief Minister and BJP leader Raghubar Das is trailing behind independent candidate Saryu Rai from the Jamshedpur (East) constituency. As per the Election Commission of India’s current trends, the Jharkhand CM is trailing by 771 votes behind the independent candidate. While BJP rebel and independent candidate Saryu Roy has so far secured 14,479 votes, Raghubar Das is trailing at 13,708 votes.
Even though the Jharkhand CM is at the risk of losing his own seat, he has repeatedly said since morning that come what may, the BJP is going to form the government in the state. On initial trends, Das said: “Jharkhand CM and BJP candidate from Jamshedpur East: These trends are not the final word. There are more rounds of counting to be held. It will not be correct to comment on these trends. I will hold a press conference later in Ranchi.” He also added, “We’re not only winning but we’ll also form govt under the leadership of BJP in the state”.
State’s Chief Minister Raghubar Das is seeking sixth consecutive term from his Jamshedpur East seat. In the 2014 Jharkhand Assembly elections, Das had won the Jamshedpur East seat by nearly 70,000 votes. The 64-year-old BJP leader has been tasked to write a history of repeating his CM term — one not broken by any Jharkhand CM in the 19 years since the state existed.
The BJP could face a major setback in the Assembly elections in Jharkhand, suggest early trends. As per India Today-Axis My India exit poll, the Congress-JMM alliance may form the next government in the state, leading another blow to the BJP after the recent Maharashtra debacle.